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Resistance as Negotiation: Making States and Tribes in the Margins of Modern India
Lines and Lives: Stories of Conflict, Resilience and Hope from Jammu and Kashmir Borderlands
Event and Everyday: Empiricisms and Epistemologies
The G N Devy Reader: After Amnesia, ‘Of Many Heroes’, The Being of Bhasha and Countering Violence
Violence of Democracy: Interparty Conflict in South India
Explorations in Colonial Bengal: Essays on Religion, Society, and Culture
Deconstruction and Poststructuralism
Edward Said: A Critical Introduction
Identity and Marginality in Northeast India: Challenges for Social Science Research
Anthropologist and Imperialist: H.H. Risley and British India, 1873–1911
Terror Trials: Life and Law in Delhi's Courts
Cancer and the Kali Yuga: Gender, Inequality, and Health in South India
The Languages of Bihar, Volume 6, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of West Bengal, Volume 31, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Hinglish Live: Language mixing across media
Differentiation and Disjunction: Interrogating India’s Education System
Data Centres as Infrastructure: Frontiers of Digital Governance in Contemporary India
Subjugated Nomads: The Lambadas under the Rule of the Nizams
The Struggle for Narmada: An Oral History of the Narmada Bachao Andolan, by Adivasi Leaders Keshavbhau and Kevalsingh Vasave
Women, Incarcerated: Narratives from India
Agrarian Change in India
Being and Becoming Multilingual
Indian Languages in the Diaspora, Volume 47 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Gendering Minorities: Muslim Women and the Politics of Modernity
Exploring Sociabilities of Contemporary India: New Perspectives
Out of This Earth: East India Adivasis and the Aluminium Cartel (Second Edition)
Religion and Secularities: Reconfiguring Islam in Contemporary India
DigiNaka: Subaltern Politics and Digital Media in Post-Capitalist India
Selections from the Prison Notebooks
Modernity, its Pathologies and Reenchantments
The (Un)governable City: Productive Failure in the Making of Colonial Delhi, 1858–1911
Textures of the Ordinary: Doing Anthropology After Wittgenstein
Anthropological Perspectives on Indian Tribes
Citizenship in a Caste Polity: Religion, Language and Belonging in Goa
The Fear of the Visual? Photography, Anthropology, and Anxieties of Seeing
Social History of an Indian Caste: The Kayasths of Hyderabad (Third Edition)
Fiction As History: The Novel and the City in Modern North India
Nature Conservation in the New Economy: People, Wildlife and the Law in India
Selected Works of C. Rajagopalachari: Vol. V, 1931–35
Reading India: Selections from Economic and Political Weekly, Volume II (1966-1991)
Reading India: Selections from The Economic Weekly, Volume 1 (1949-1965)
India in Edinburgh: 1750s to the Present
Local Health Traditions: Plurality and Marginality in South Asia
People's Car: Industrial India and the Riddles of Populism
Privileged Minorities: Syrian Christianity, Gender, and Minority Rights in Postcolonial India
The Languages of Mizoram, Volume 20, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Gendered Citizenship: Manifestations and Performance
A Handbook of Rural India
Towards a New Sociology in India
Thinking Gender, Doing Gender: Feminist Scholarship and Practice Today
Conservation from the Margins
Marrying in South Asia: Shifting Concepts, Changing Practices in a Globalising World
Political Ecology of Survival: Life and Labour in the River Lands of East and North-East India
Sociology and Social Anthropology in South Asia: Histories and Practices
Post-Growth Thinking in India: Towards Sustainable Egalitarian Alternatives
Doing Theory: Locations, Hierarchies and Disjunctions
Hindu Pasts : Women, Religion, Histories
Conservation At The Crossroads: Science, Society, and the Future of India’s Wildlife
I am the Widow: An Intellectual Biography of Behramji Malabari
The Subaltern Speaks: Truth and Ethics in Mahasweta Devi’s Fiction on Tribals
Zamorins and the Political Culture of Medieval Kerala
The Great Agrarian Conquest: The Colonial Reshaping of a Rural World
The Invention Of Private Life - Literature and Ideas
Conceptualising Man and Society: Perspectives in Early Indian Sociology
Displaying India’s Heritage: Archaeology and the Museum Movement in Colonial India
A Very Old Machine - The Many Origins of the Indian Cinema 1840–1930
Bhisma Devavrata: Authority in Epic Mahabharata
In Diasporic Lands: Tibetan Refugees and their Transformation since the Exodus
The Languages of Maharashtra, Volume 17, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Arunachal Pradesh, Volume 4, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Himachal Pradesh, Volume 11, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Haryana, Volume 10, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Life in Peace and Conflict: Indigeneity and State in the Chittagong Hill Tracts
A Feminist Foremother: Critical Essays on Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain
Dalit Women – Honour and Patriarchy in South India
Dalit Studies
A Concise History of Indian Literature in English
Society and Culture in India: A Reader
India’s Aged: Needs and Vulnerabilities
Contested Hierarchies, Persisting Influence: Caste and Power in Twenty-first Century India
Sons Of Sarasvati : Late Exemplars of the Indian Intellectual Tradition
From 'People' To 'Citizen': Democracy's Must Take Road
Indigenist Mobilization: Confronting Electoral Communism and Precarious Livelihoods in Post-Reform Kerala
We Who Wove with Lotus Thread: Summoning Community in South India
Mobilizing Krishna’s World: The Writings of Prince Savant Singh of Kishangarh
Knowing the Social World-Perspectives and Possibilities
Law and Identity In Colonial South Asia: Parsi Legal Culture 1772–1947
Labour State And Society In Rural India: A Class-Relational Approach
Banaras Reconstructed: Architecture and Sacred Space in a Hindu Holy City
Beyond Caste - Identity and Power in South Asia: Past and Present
Raising the Curtain: Recasting Women Performers in India
Pharmocracy: Value, Politics, and Knowledge in Global Biomedicine
Performance and the Political: Power and Pleasure in Contemporary Kerala
Languid Bodies, Grounded Stances: The Curving Pathway of Neoclassical Odissi Dance
Essays on Modern India
Fiction As History - The Novel and the City in Modern North India
Much Ado Over Coffee - Indian Coffee House Then and Now
Uttar Pradesh Ki Bhashayen, Volume 29, Part 1 (Hindi) - Bharatiya Bhasha Lok Sarvekshan (BBLS)
Multilingualism and Multiculturalism: Perceptions, Practices and Policy
Gitanjali Reborn: William Radice's Writings on Rabindranath Tagore
The Languages of Punjab, Volume 24, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Puducherry, Volume 23, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Nagaland, Volume 21, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Dalit Studies
Towards a New Sociology in India
Thinking Gender, Doing Gender: Feminist Scholarship and Practice Today
Zamorins and the Political Culture of Medieval Kerala
Living Class In Urban India
Gramsci’s Common Sense: Inequality and Its Narratives
Conceptions: Infertility and Procreative Technologies in India
Metabolic Living: Food, Fat, and the Absorption of Illness in India
The Afterlife of Sai Baba: Competing Visions of a Global Saint
Doing Style: Youth and Mass Mediation in South India
Shades of Difference: Selected Writings of Rabindranath Tagore
The Subaltern Speaks: Truth and Ethics in Mahasweta Devi’s Fiction on Tribals
Nursing and Empire: Gendered Labor and Migration from India to the United States
Sexual States: Governance and the Struggle to Decriminalize Homosexuality in India
Thirteen Festivals: A Ritual Year in Bengal
Banking on Words: The Failure of Language in the Age of Derivative Finance
The Toda Landscape: Explorations in Cultural Ecology
Tamil Brahmans: The Making of a Middle-Class Caste
Kerala Modernity: Ideas, Spaces and Practices in Transition
Foundations of Human Development: A Life Span Approach
Wording the World: Veena Das and Scenes of Inheritance
Gender, Livelihood and Environment: How Women Manage Resources
Selected Works of C. Rajagopalachari: Vol. III, 1923–25
Founts of Knowledge
The Languages of Uttarakhand, Volume 30, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Kerala and Lakshadweep, Volume 15 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Beyond Caste: Identity and Power in South Asia: Past and
Tuberculosis in India: A Case of Innovation and Control
Discounted Life: The Price of Global Surrogacy in India
Shades of Difference : Selected Writings of Rabindranath Tagore
India’s First Democratic Revolution: Dayanand Bandodkar and the Rise of the Bahujan in Goa
Violence and the Burden of Memory: Remembrance and Erasure in Sinhala Consciousness
Rule by Numbers: Governmentality and Colonial India
A Place for Utopia: Urban Designs from South Asia
Conquest and Community: The Afterlife of Warrior Saint Ghazi Miyan
The Toda Landscape: Explorations in Cultural Ecology
Hindu Pasts : Women, Religion, Histories
In the Club: Associational Life in Colonial South Asia
Displaying India’s Heritage: Archaeology and the Museum Movement in Colonial India
Class, Patriarchy and Ethnicity on Sri Lankan Plantations : Two Centuries of Power and Protest
The Trouble with Marriage: Feminists Confront Law and Violence in India
Affliction: Health, Disease, Poverty
Indian Sign Language(s), Volume 38 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Cultural History of Early South Asia: A Reader
Language and Cultural Diversity: The Writings of Debi Prasanna Pattanayak – Volume 2
Language and Cultural Diversity: The Writings of Debi Prasanna Pattanayak – Volume 1
Borderland Lives in Northern South Asia
Unforgotten: Love and the Culture of Dementia Care in India
Street Corner Secrets: Sex, Work, and Migration in the City of Mumbai
Critical Studies in Politics: Exploring Sites, Selves, Power
Tranquebar—Whose History? Transnational Cultural Heritage in a Former Danish Trading Colony in South India
Beyond Tranquebar: Grappling Across Cultural Borders in South India
The Being of Bhasha: A General Introduction, Volume 1 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Selected Works of C. Rajagopalachari: Vol. I, 1907–21
Marrying in South Asia: Shifting Concepts, Changing Practices in a Globalising World
Covering and Explaining Conflict in Civil Society
Neoliberalism and Water: Complicating the Story of ‘Reforms’ in Maharashtra
Cine-Politics: Film Stars and Political Existence in South India
Hindu-Catholic Engagements in Goa: Religion, Colonialism, and Modernity
The Modern Spirit of Asia: The Spiritual and the Secular in China and India
Combating Corruption: The Indian Case
The Ground Between: Anthropologists Engage Philosophy
The Invention of Private Life - Literature and Ideas
The Problem of Caste
Social Inclusion in Independent India : Dimensions and Approaches
Decolonisation, Development and Disease: A Social History of Malaria in Sri Lanka
The Writings of A. M. Shah: The Household and Family in India
Rajnitik Samajshastra: Ekkisvin sadi ke Badalte Sandharbh mein (Hindi)
The Socio-Cultural Context of Water: Study of a Gujarat Village
Tibetan Refugees in India: Education, Culture and Growing Up in Exile
Flesh and Fish Blood: Postcolonialism, Translation, and the Vernacular
Memories and Movements: Borders and Communities in Banni, Kutch, Gujarat
People of the Maldive Islands
Radical Rabindranath: Nation, Family and Gender in Tagore’s Fiction and Films
When Marriages Go Astray: Choices Made, Choices Challenged
Multiple Voices and Stories: Narratives of Health and Illness
Memory, Identity, Power: Politics in the Junglemahals, 1890–1950 (Second Edition)
The 'Medieval' in Film: Representing a Contested Time on the Indian Screen (1920s-1960s)
Dual Identity: Indian Diaspora and Other Essays
Censorium: Cinema and the Open Edge of Mass Publicity
Global Issues, Local Contexts: The Rabi Das of West Bengal
The Writings of Pamela Price: State, Politics, and Cultures in Modern South India: Honour, Authority, and Morality
The Black Hole of Empire: History of a Global Practice of Power
Gendered Citizenship: Historical and Conceptual Explorations
The Light of Knowledge: Literacy Activism and the Politics of Writing in South India
Impossible Citizens: Dubai’s Indian Diaspora
Night of the Gods: Durga Puja and the Legitimation of Power in Rural Bengal
Exclusion, Social Capital and Citizenship: Contested Transitions in South Africa and India
Freedom and Beef Steaks: Colonial Calcutta Culture
Producing Bollywood: Inside the Contemporary Hindi Film Industry
Gendering Colonial India: Reforms, Print, Caste and Communalism
Women of Honour: Gender and Agency among Dalit Women in the Central Himalayas
Understanding Caste: From Buddha to Ambedkar and Beyond
Hindu Widow Marriage: A Complete Translation, with an Introduction and Critical Notes by Brian A. Hatcher
Middle-Class Moralities: Everyday Struggle over Belonging and Prestige in India
Aging and the Indian Diaspora: Cosmopolitan Families in India and Abroad
North-East India: A Handbook of Anthropology
The History of Assam: From Yandabo to Partition
Islam in South Asia: A Short History
Ahmedabad: Shock City of Twentieth-Century India
Muslim Becoming: Aspiration and Skepticism in Pakistan
Decolonization in South Asia: Meanings of Freedom in Post-independence West Bengal, 1947–52
The Adivasi Question: Issues of Land, Forest and Livelihood
Red Tape: Bureaucracy, Structural Violence, and Poverty in India
Bollywood in the Age of New Media: The Geo-televisual Aesthetic
The Tulsi and the Cross: Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter in Goa
Rebels from the Mud Houses: Dalits and the Making of the Maoist Revolution in Bihar
Kerala’s Gulf Connection, 1998–2011: Economic and Social Impact of Migration
Digital Cool: Life in the Age of New Media
Nature, Environment and Society: Conservation, Governance and Transformation in India
Cultural Studies in the Future Tense
Voice and Memory: Indigenous Imagination and Expression
Understanding Indian Society: Past and Present
New World of Indigenous Resistance: Noam Chomsky and Voices from North, South and Central America
Sacrificing People: Invasions of a Tribal Landscape
The Partitions of Memory: The Afterlife of the Division of India
Histories For the Subordinated
Society and History of Gujarat since 1800: A Select Bibliography of the English and European Language Sources
Adivasis in Colonial India: Survival, Resistance and Negotiation
Adivasis and the Raj: Socio-economic Transition of the Hos, 1820-1932
States of Sentiment: Exploring the Cultures of Emotion
The Call of the Sea: Kachchhi Traders in Muscat and Zanzibar, c. 1800–1880
Communalism & The Intelligentsia in Bihar, 1870–1930
Colonialism, Modernity, and Literature: A View from India
Indian Diaspora in the United States: Brain Drain or Gain?
The Writer's Feast: Food and the Cultures of Representation
Violence and Belonging: Land, Love and Lethal Conflict in the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan
Unruly Hills: Nature and Nation in India’s Northeast
Bridging Partition: People's Initiatives for Peace between India and Pakistan
Sacrificing People: Invasions of a Tribal Landscape
The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia
Historical Demography and Agrarian Regimes: Understanding Southern Indian Fertility, 1881–1981
The Everyday State and Society in Modern India
Health, Illness and Medicine: Ethnographic Readings
Middle-Class Moralities: Everyday Struggle over Belonging and Prestige in India
Subjugated Nomads: The Lambadas under the Rule of the Nizams
Water and Development: Forging Green Communities for Watersheds
The Sundarbans: Folk Deities, Monsters and Mortals
Nature, Culture and Religion at the Crossroads of Asia
Religious Division and Social Conflict: The Emergence of Hindu Nationalism in Rural India
Anthropology in the East: Founders of Indian Sociology and Anthropology
A Concise History of Indian Literature in English
Education, Unemployment and Masculinities in India
India Remembered
Greek Myths
Roman Myths
Persian Myths
Chinese Myths
Hindu Myths
Scripting Lives: Narratives of 'Dominant' Women in Kerala
Hindu Nationalism: A Reader
Cinema and Censorship: The Politics of Control in India
Imagining Multilingual Schools: Languages in Education and Glocalization
Indigeneity: Culture & Representation
Disability And society: A Reader
Low and Licentious Europeans: Race, Class and ‘White Subalternity’ in Colonial India
From Western Medicine to Global Medicine: The Hospital Beyond the West
Wives, Widows and Concubines: The Conjugal Family Ideal in Colonial India
The Wicked City: Crime and Punishment in Colonial Calcutta
‘Good Women do not inherit Land’: Politics of Land and Gender in India
Reflections on Cambridge
Rebuilding Buddhism
Craft Matters: Artisans, Development and the Indian Nation
Gandhi's Khadi: A History of Contention and Conciliation
Dishonoured by History: 'Criminal Tribes' and British Colonial Policy
Kashmir: Insurgency and After
Engendering Individuals
Anthropology in the East: Founders of Indian Sociology and Anthropology
Nation in Imagination: Essays on Nationalism, Sub-Nationalisms and Narration
Indian Cities in Transition
Brahmin and Non-Brahmin: Genealogies of the Tamil Political Present
Hindu Rulers, Muslim Subjects: Islam, Rights, and the History of Kashmir
Delhi: Ancient History
Brahmin and Non-Brahmin: Genealogies of the Tamil Political Present
Caste and Democratic Politics in India
Hindu Rulers, Muslims Subjects: Islam Rights and the History of Kashmir
Lived Islam in South Asia: Adaptation, Accommodation and Conflict
Caste and Democratic Politics in India
An Anthropologist among the Marxists and other Essays
Social Change in Modern India (Revised edition)
The Question of Faith
Khaki Shorts and Saffron Flags: A Critique of the Hindu Right
Anthropology / Ethnography