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Identity, Conflict, and Counter-narratives: Dalit Experiences in Culture, Politics, and Stigmatisation
Humanistic Concerns in Punjabi Literature
Postcolonial Popular Culture in India
Epidemic Narratives: The Cultural Construction of Infectious Disease Outbreaks in India
Postcolonialism Now: Literature, Reading, Decolonising
Manipur ki Bhashayen, PLSI Volume 18, Part 1- Bharatiya Bhasha Lok Sarvekshan (BBLS)
Safdar Hashmi: Towards Theatre for a Democracy (Reissue)
Safdar Hashmi: Towards Theatre for a Democracy
100 Years of A Passage to India: International Assessments
Life Writing: A Short Introduction
Punjabi Centuries: Tracing Histories of Punjab
The Scar
The Scar
Punjabi Centuries: Tracing Histories of Punjab
A Short History of African American Literature
Subaltern Studies: A Short Introduction
Translating Kerala: The Cultural Turn in Translation Studies
Adivasi Art And Activism: Curation in a Nationalist Age
Tear-Drenched Earth: Cinema and the Partition of India
A Short History of Australian Literature
Writings from the Sundarbans
Epic in India
The G N Devy Reader: After Amnesia, ‘Of Many Heroes’, The Being of Bhasha and Countering Violence
When the Kurinji Blooms
Explorations in Colonial Bengal: Essays on Religion, Society, and Culture
Gender and Modernity in Kerala: Politics, Praxes, Paradoxes
Deconstruction and Poststructuralism
Modernities and the Popular Melodrama: The Suchitra–Uttam Yug in Bengali Cinema
Urdu Crime Fiction, 1890–1950: An Informal History
Aesthetics in India: Transitions and Transformations
Edward Said: A Critical Introduction
English Romantic Literature
Who Is a Muslim? Orientalism and Literary Populisms
Identity and Marginality in Northeast India: Challenges for Social Science Research
Caste In Bengal: Histories of Hierarchy, Exclusion, and Resistance
Anthropologist and Imperialist: H.H. Risley and British India, 1873–1911
Childscape, Mediascape: Children and Media in India
The Third Eye and Other Works: Mahatma Phule’s Writings on Education
Slandering the Sacred: Blasphemy Law and the Shaping of Indian Secularism
Ecological Entanglements: Affect, Embodiment and Ethics of Care
The Humanities in India as Pluralist Pedagogy
Electric Steel: Parallel Stories from Italy, India and the Americas and Other Essays
Simplicity and Purity: Poets, Farmers and Parsis of Gandhi’s Gujarati and Reading Gandhi in Two Tongues
Reading with the Rsi: A Cross-Cultural and Comparative Literary Approach to Valmiki’s Ramayana
Life/Writing: Selected Essays, 2006–2022
The Languages of Gujarat, Diu & Daman and Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Volume 9, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Hinglish Live: Language mixing across media
A Most Noble Life: The Biography of Ashrafunnisa Begum (1840–1903) by Muhammadi Begum (1877–1908)
Capital, Culture, and the Commons
Poetry of Kings: The Classical Hindi Literature of Mughal India
Caste in Bengal: Histories of Hierarchy, Exclusion, and Resistance
Bibi’s Room: Hyderabadi Women and Twentieth-Century Urdu Prose
Disciplines and Movements: Conversations between India and the German-speaking World
Bombay Cinema's Islamicate Histories
Bangladesh: Writings on 1971, Across Borders
A World of Equals: A Textbook on Gender
Nandshankar: A Portrait in Nineteenth-century Surat
Tollygunge to Tollywood: The Bengali Film Industry Reimagined
Who Is a Muslim? Orientalism and Literary Populisms
DigiNaka: Subaltern Politics and Digital Media in Post-Capitalist India
Selections from the Prison Notebooks
After the Revolution
Humanities at the Crossroads: Reflections on Theory, Culture and Resistance
Citizenship in a Caste Polity: Religion, Language and Belonging in Goa
Through War, Rebellion and Riot
Fiction As History: The Novel and the City in Modern North India
A Primal Issue: Stories of Women
The Strangeness of Tamil Nadu: Contemporary History and Political Culture in South India
The Muslim World In Modern South Asia: Power, Authority, Knowldege
The Languages of Telangana, Volume 3, Part 2 - TS - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Andhra Pradesh, Volume 3, Part 2 - AP - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Glass Walls: Stories of Tolerance and Intolerance from the Indian Subcontinent and Australia
Diaspora Theory and Transnationalism
Mysteries of the Mundane: The Films of Girish Kasaravalli
Holy Science: The Biopolitics of Hindu Nationalism
Of Closures and New Beginnings
Frantz Fanon: Identity and Resistance
The Solitary Sprout: Selected Stories of R. Chudamani
Reading India Now: Contemporary Formations in Literature and Popular Culture
Countering Violence
Looking Back: The 1947 Partition of India, 70 Years On
Queer Studies: Texts, Contexts, Praxis
Popular Culture
Children’s Games, Adults’ Gambits: From Vidyasagar to Satyajit Ray
Cosmopolitan Dreams: The Making of Modern Urdu Literary Culture In Colonial South Asia
Gendered Citizenship: Manifestations and Performance
Thinking Gender, Doing Gender: Feminist Scholarship and Practice Today
Conservation from the Margins
Marrying in South Asia: Shifting Concepts, Changing Practices in a Globalising World
Sociology and Social Anthropology in South Asia: Histories and Practices
Post-Growth Thinking in India: Towards Sustainable Egalitarian Alternatives
Jaati ki Samajh : Mahatama Buddh se Babasaheb Ambedkar aur Unke Baad (Understanding Caste: from Buddha to Ambedkar and Beyond)
Of Indian Origin: Writings From Australia
Too Many Men Too Few Women: Social Consequences of Gender Imbalance in India and China
Himalayan Histories: Economy, Polity, Religious Traditions
Hindu Pasts : Women, Religion, Histories
Novel Formations: The Indian Beginning of a European Genre
Postmodern Literatures
Elephants And Kings: An Environmental History
Politics As Performance: A Social History of the Telugu Cinema
The Popular Arts
The Social History of England (Second Edition)
I am the Widow: An Intellectual Biography of Behramji Malabari
The Subaltern Speaks: Truth and Ethics in Mahasweta Devi’s Fiction on Tribals
Zamorins and the Political Culture of Medieval Kerala
Displaying India’s Heritage: Archaeology and the Museum Movement in Colonial India
A Very Old Machine - The Many Origins of the Indian Cinema 1840–1930
Ecocriticism: Big Ideas and Practical Strategies
In the Hall of Mirrors: Reflections on Indian Democracy
Bhisma Devavrata: Authority in Epic Mahabharata
Jacques Lacan: From Clinic to Culture
In Diasporic Lands: Tibetan Refugees and their Transformation since the Exodus
Cultural History of Modern India
Ghumantu Hai, Chor Nahin: Adivasi Maun Par Vimarsh
A Short History of American Literature
The Languages of Arunachal Pradesh, Volume 4, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Himachal Pradesh, Volume 11, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Haryana, Volume 10, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Kerala Modernity: Ideas, Spaces and Practices in Transition
Life in Peace and Conflict: Indigeneity and State in the Chittagong Hill Tracts
A Feminist Foremother: Critical Essays on Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain
Dalit Women – Honour and Patriarchy in South India
Dalit Studies
Society and Culture in India: A Reader
India’s Aged: Needs and Vulnerabilities
From 'People' To 'Citizen': Democracy's Must Take Road
Mobilizing Krishna’s World: The Writings of Prince Savant Singh of Kishangarh
Essays Of A Lifetime: Reformers, Nationalists, Subalterns
Level Crossing: Railway Journeys in Hindi Cinema
Refashioning India: Gender, Media, and a Transformed Public Discourse
Law and Identity In Colonial South Asia: Parsi Legal Culture 1772–1947
Looking Back: The 1947 Partition of India, 70 Years On
Fiction to Film: Ruth Prawer Jhabvala’s The Householder and Heat and Dust
Revolution of the Ordinary: Literary Studies after Wittgensttein, Austin and Cavell
Labour State And Society In Rural India: A Class-Relational Approach
Banaras Reconstructed: Architecture and Sacred Space in a Hindu Holy City
The Gender Of Caste: Representing Dalits in Print
Beyond Caste - Identity and Power in South Asia: Past and Present
Raja Yudhisthira: Kingship in Epic Mahabharata
Text And Tradition In South India
A Rasa Reader: Classical Indian Aesthetics
Print and Pleasure: Popular Literature and Entertaining Fictions in Colonial North India
Haunting Bollywood: Gender, Genre, and the Supernatural in Hindi Commercial Cinema
Bodies Of Song: Kabir Oral Traditions and Performative Worlds in North India
Writing The First Person: Literature, History, and Autobiography in Modern Kerala
Raising the Curtain: Recasting Women Performers in India
Raga’n Josh : Stories from a Musical Life
Performance and the Political: Power and Pleasure in Contemporary Kerala
Exploring Emergent Global Thresholds: Towards 2030
Essays on Modern India
To Surju, With Love
Fiction As History - The Novel and the City in Modern North India
Multilingualism and Multiculturalism: Perceptions, Practices and Policy
Gitanjali Reborn: William Radice's Writings on Rabindranath Tagore
The Languages of Punjab, Volume 24, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Puducherry, Volume 23, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
The Languages of Nagaland, Volume 21, Part 2 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Dalit Studies
Thinking Gender, Doing Gender: Feminist Scholarship and Practice Today
Too Many Men Too Few Women: Social Consequences of Gender Imbalance in India and China
Zamorins and the Political Culture of Medieval Kerala
Text And Tradition In South India
Arjuna Pandava: The Double Hero in Epic Mahabharata
Tell the Tale, Urvashi
Life, Emergent: The Social in the Afterlives of Violence
Cultural Studies 1983: A Theoretical History
Writing The First Person: Literature, History, and Autobiography in Modern Kerala
Organisational Studies in India
Revisiting India’s Partition: New Essays on Memory, Culture, and Politics
When Sun Meets Moon: Gender, Eros, and Ecstasy in Urdu Poetry
Doing Style: Youth and Mass Mediation in South India
Shades of Difference: Selected Writings of Rabindranath Tagore
The Subaltern Speaks: Truth and Ethics in Mahasweta Devi’s Fiction on Tribals
Nursing and Empire: Gendered Labor and Migration from India to the United States
Disnarration: The Unsaid Matters
Desire and Defiance: A Study of Bengali Women in Love, 1850-1930
Thirteen Festivals: A Ritual Year in Bengal
Banking on Words: The Failure of Language in the Age of Derivative Finance
Sarasvatichandra Part II: Gunasundari’s Household
The Toda Landscape: Explorations in Cultural Ecology
Kerala Modernity: Ideas, Spaces and Practices in Transition
Foundations of Human Development: A Life Span Approach
Wording the World: Veena Das and Scenes of Inheritance
Gender, Livelihood and Environment: How Women Manage Resources
Founts of Knowledge
The Languages of Kerala and Lakshadweep, Volume 15 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Vegetarians Only: Stories of Telugu Muslims
Beyond Caste: Identity and Power in South Asia: Past and
Bodies Of Song: Kabir Oral Traditions and Performative Worlds in North India
Sarasvatichandra Part I: Buddhidhan’s Administration
Discounted Life: The Price of Global Surrogacy in India
Shades of Difference : Selected Writings of Rabindranath Tagore
The Gender Of Caste: Representing Dalits in Print
Readings on Dalit Identity: History, Literature and Religion
Psychoanalytic Theory and Criticism
India’s First Democratic Revolution: Dayanand Bandodkar and the Rise of the Bahujan in Goa
Three Essays on the Mahabharata: Exercises in Literary Hermeneutics
Violence and the Burden of Memory: Remembrance and Erasure in Sinhala Consciousness
Cinema of Enchantment: Perso-Arabic Genealogies of the Hindi Masala Film
Fields of Play: Sport, Literature and Culture
MODERN TIMES: INDIA 1880s – 1950s : Environment, Economy, Culture
A Place for Utopia: Urban Designs from South Asia
The Toda Landscape: Explorations in Cultural Ecology
Hindu Pasts : Women, Religion, Histories
In the Club: Associational Life in Colonial South Asia
Genealogies of the Asian Present: Situating Inter-Asia Cultural Studies
Displaying India’s Heritage: Archaeology and the Museum Movement in Colonial India
Cognition, Experience and Creativity
Elephants and Kings: An Environmental History
Class, Patriarchy and Ethnicity on Sri Lankan Plantations : Two Centuries of Power and Protest
The Trouble with Marriage: Feminists Confront Law and Violence in India
Reconsidering Untouchability: Chamars and Dalit History in North India
Partial Recall: Essays on Literature and Literary History
Indian Sign Language(s), Volume 38 - People’s Linguistic Survey of India (PLSI)
Cultural History of Early South Asia: A Reader
Language and Cultural Diversity: The Writings of Debi Prasanna Pattanayak – Volume 2
Language and Cultural Diversity: The Writings of Debi Prasanna Pattanayak – Volume 1
Unforgotten: Love and the Culture of Dementia Care in India
Critical Studies in Politics: Exploring Sites, Selves, Power
Tranquebar—Whose History? Transnational Cultural Heritage in a Former Danish Trading Colony in South India
Beyond Tranquebar: Grappling Across Cultural Borders in South India
Marrying in South Asia: Shifting Concepts, Changing Practices in a Globalising World
Covering and Explaining Conflict in Civil Society
Rabindranath Tagore : One Hundred Years of Global Reception
English in the Dalit Context
Cine-Politics: Film Stars and Political Existence in South India
Hindu-Catholic Engagements in Goa: Religion, Colonialism, and Modernity
The Modern Spirit of Asia: The Spiritual and the Secular in China and India
Modern Times: India1880s – 1950s - Environment, Economy, Culture
The Past Before Us - Historical Traditions of Early North India
Rethinking Western India : The Changing Contexts of Culture, Society and Religion
Decolonisation, Development and Disease: A Social History of Malaria in Sri Lanka
Traversing Bihar : The Politics of Development and Social Justice
Out of Line : Cartoons, Caricature and Contemporary India
Bombay before Bollywood: Film City Fantasies
Language Politics, Elites, and the Public Sphere
The Socio-Cultural Context of Water: Study of a Gujarat Village
Tibetan Refugees in India: Education, Culture and Growing Up in Exile
Silver Lining: Insights into Gujarat
Radical Rabindranath: Nation, Family and Gender in Tagore’s Fiction and Films
When Marriages Go Astray: Choices Made, Choices Challenged
Memory, Identity, Power: Politics in the Junglemahals, 1890–1950 (Second Edition)
The 'Medieval' in Film: Representing a Contested Time on the Indian Screen (1920s-1960s)
Cultural Encounters in India: The Local Co-Workers Of The Tranquebar Mission, 18th To 19th Centuries
Fictionalising Myth and History: A Study of Four Postcolonial Novels
Prose of the World: Modernism and the Banality of Empire
Gendering the Nation: Identity Politics and English Comic Theatre of the Long Eighteenth Century
The Writings of Pamela Price: State, Politics, and Cultures in Modern South India: Honour, Authority, and Morality
Political Culture and Economy in Eighteenth-Century Bengal: Networks of Exchange, Consumption and Communication
Impossible Citizens: Dubai’s Indian Diaspora
The Past Before Us: Historical Traditions of Early North India
Night of the Gods: Durga Puja and the Legitimation of Power in Rural Bengal
Reconsidering Untouchability: Chamars and Dalit History in North India
Exclusion, Social Capital and Citizenship: Contested Transitions in South Africa and India
Freedom and Beef Steaks: Colonial Calcutta Culture
Producing Bollywood: Inside the Contemporary Hindi Film Industry
Gendering Colonial India: Reforms, Print, Caste and Communalism
Understanding Caste: From Buddha to Ambedkar and Beyond
Hindu Widow Marriage: A Complete Translation, with an Introduction and Critical Notes by Brian A. Hatcher
The Last Brahmin: Life and Reflections of a Modern-day Sanskrit Pandit
The Magic Web and Other Stories: Ashapurna Debi on the Widow and Her World
Politics as Performance
Memsahibs’ Writings: Colonial Narratives on Indian Women
Gender, Sex and the City: Urdu Rekhti Poetry, 1780-1870
Madhyakaleen Bharat ka Sanskritik Itihas
Other Orientalisms: India between Florence and Bombay, 1860–1900
The Powerful Ephemeral: Everyday Healing In an Ambiguously Islamic Place
Islam in South Asia: A Short History
Muslim Becoming: Aspiration and Skepticism in Pakistan
Decolonization in South Asia: Meanings of Freedom in Post-independence West Bengal, 1947–52
Bollywood in the Age of New Media: The Geo-televisual Aesthetic
Understanding Islam
English Heart, Hindi Heart land: The Political Life of Literature in India
Inter-Sections: Essays on Indian Literatures, Translations and Popular Consciousness
Kerala’s Gulf Connection, 1998–2011: Economic and Social Impact of Migration
Digital Cool: Life in the Age of New Media
Appropriately Indian: Gender and Culture in a New Transnational Class
School Education, Pluralism and Marginality: Comparative Perspectives
Cultural Studies in the Future Tense
Indian English: Towards a New Paradigm
Voice and Memory: Indigenous Imagination and Expression
New World of Indigenous Resistance: Noam Chomsky and Voices from North, South and Central America
Sacrificing People: Invasions of a Tribal Landscape
The Partitions of Memory: The Afterlife of the Division of India
A Companion to Translation Studies
Women And Social Reform in Modern India (Two Volume Set)
Histories For the Subordinated
Stages of Capital: Law, Culture, and Market Governance in Late Colonial India
From Hindi to Urdu: A Social and Political History
Before the Divide: Hindi and Urdu Literary Culture
Working the Night Shift: Women in India’s Call Center Industry
The Social History of England
A Grief to Bury: Memories of Love, Work & Loss
Decentering Rushdie: Cosmopolitanism and the Indian Novel in English
Society and History of Gujarat since 1800: A Select Bibliography of the English and European Language Sources
Adivasis in Colonial India: Survival, Resistance and Negotiation
Adivasis and the Raj: Socio-economic Transition of the Hos, 1820-1932
States of Sentiment: Exploring the Cultures of Emotion
Colonialism, Modernity, and Literature: A View from India
Partial Recall: Essays on Literature and Literary History
The Swadeshi Movement in Bengal 1903–1908
Revisiting Abhijnanasakuntalam: Love, Lineage and Language in Kalidasa's Nataka
The Poet and His World: Critical Essays on Rabindranath Tagore
Indian Diaspora in the United States: Brain Drain or Gain?
The Writer's Feast: Food and the Cultures of Representation
Violence and Belonging: Land, Love and Lethal Conflict in the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan
Radical, Religious, and Violent: The New Economics of Terrorism
Bridging Partition: People's Initiatives for Peace between India and Pakistan
Sacrificing People: Invasions of a Tribal Landscape
The Art of Not Being Governed: An Anarchist History of Upland Southeast Asia
Print Areas: Book History in India
History in the Vernacular
Hundred Tamil Folk and Tribal Tales
The Last Musha’irah of Dehli
Middle-Class Moralities: Everyday Struggle over Belonging and Prestige in India
Nature, Culture and Religion at the Crossroads of Asia
Greek Myths
Roman Myths
Persian Myths
Chinese Myths
Hindu Myths
History through the lens - Perspectives on South Indian Cinema
The First Promise
Scripting Lives: Narratives of 'Dominant' Women in Kerala
The Politics and Culture of Globalization: India and Australia
The G N Devy Reader : After Amnesia, ‘Of Many Heroes’, The Being of Bhasha and Countering Violence
Print and Pleasure: Popular Literature and Entertaining Fictions in Colonial North India
Hindu Nationalism: A Reader
In Quest of Indian Folktales: Pandit Ram Gharib Chaube and William Crooke
New Cultural Studies: Adventures in Theory
This Gift of English: English Education and the Formation of Alternative Hegemonies in India
Fiction as Window: Critiquing the Indian Literary Cultural Ethos since the 1980s
Cinema and Censorship: The Politics of Control in India
The Scar
Culture, Society and Development in India: Essays for Amiya Kumar Bagchi
India’s New Capitalists: Caste, Business, and Industry in a Modern Nation
Indigeneity: Culture & Representation
The Essential Mystery: Major Filmmakers of Indian Art Cinema
The Burden of Refuge: Partition Experience of the Sindhis of Gujarat
Craft Matters: Artisans, Development and the Indian Nation
Gandhi's Khadi: A History of Contention and Conciliation
Women and Social Reform in Modern India (Vol. 1 and 2)
Mobilizing India: Women, Music, and Migration between India and Trinidad
Gender and Cultural Identity in Colonial Orissa
Language, Ideology and Power: Language -learning among the Muslims of Pakistan and North India
Barisal and Beyond: Essays on Bangla Literature
New Mansions for Music: Performance, Pedagogy and Criticism
Architecture in Medieval India: Forms, Contexts, Histories
Fatalism and Development: Nepal's Struggle for Modernization
Engendering Individuals
Recovering Subversion: Feminist Politics Beyond the Law
Brahmin and Non-Brahmin: Genealogies of the Tamil Political Present
Hindu Rulers, Muslim Subjects: Islam, Rights, and the History of Kashmir
Cultural History of Medieval India
Of the People: Essays on Indian Popular Culture
Unbecoming Modern: Colonialism, Modernity, Colonial Modernities
Brahmin and Non-Brahmin: Genealogies of the Tamil Political Present
Viramma: Life of a Dalit
Caste and Democratic Politics in India
Hindu Rulers, Muslims Subjects: Islam Rights and the History of Kashmir
Becoming a Global Audience - Longing and Belonging in Indian Music Television
Living Traditions in Contemporary Contexts: The Madhva Matha of Udupi
Caste and Democratic Politics in India
Social Change in Modern India (Revised edition)
Culture Studies