Disaster Management: Global Challenges and Local Solutions
Rajib Shaw, R R Krishnamurthy
180 x 240 mm
Year of Publishing
Territorial Rights
Universities Press

We are becoming increasingly vulnerable to natural disasters. Disaster Management is therefore an important topic for all—from high school students to researchers. Disaster data in recent years show increasing trends in physical, social and economic impacts. While a global perspective of disaster management is necessary, it is also important to emphasize local solutions. This book targets some of the key issues of disaster management, focusing on innovative research and application. The chapters are organized under 5 interrelated themes:

  • Hazards and disasters
  • Risk and vulnerability
  • Technology
  • Education and community
  • Crosscutting issues

It will serve as an up-to-date reference book for researchers and practitioners in the field of disaster management throughout the world.

This book will be useful for students, teachers, researchers and practitioners in the field of disaster management. It is an invaluable resource for

  • Faculty of departments of geology and environmental science
  • Students of geology and environmental science
Rajib Shaw is Associate Professor, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Japan. He has worked closely with the local communities, NGOs, governments and international organizations, including the United Nations, especially in the Asian countries. He is currently the Chair of the United Nations Asia Regional Task Force for Urban Risk Reduction. R R Krishnamurthy is Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Geology, and Adjunct Faculty, Centre for Ocean and Coastal Studies, University of Madras, Chennai, India. He has contributed both to research and capacity building in various national and international programmes on coastal ocean studies. He is currently Scientific Officer to the Vice-Chancellor, University of Madras.
Introduction 1. Disaster Management: An Overview Hazards and Disasters 2. Earthquake Risk Management: Problems and Prospects 3. Tsunami Risk Reduction 4. Flood Risk Management 5. Cyclone Risk: Mitigation and Management 6. Drought Risk Management 7. Post-tsunami Hazards along the Indian Coast Risk and Vulnerability 8. Building Codes and Land Use Planning: Challenges of Development and Enforcement 9. Social Vulnerability: Who Draws the Line? Where and Why? 10. Macroeconomic Management and Sustainable Development 11. Environmental Vulnerability and Disaster Risk Reduction 12. Climate Change Risk Reduction: Decision-making in Uncertainty 13. Financial Management of Disaster-related Economic Losses Disaster Reduction Technology 14. Implementation Technology for Disaster Reduction 15. Disaster Management for Infrastructure 16. Geospatial Information in Agricultural Drought Assessment and Monitoring 17. Multimedia Technology in Disaster Risk Management Training 18. Transferable Indigenous Knowledge in Disaster Reduction: The Japanese Experience Education and Community 19. Education in Disaster Risk Reduction 20. Essentials of School Disaster Education: Example from Kobe, Japan 21. Community Capacity and Disaster Resilience 22. Community-based Disaster Recovery 23. Community-based Disaster Management and Social Capital 24. Designing Resilience: Building Community Capacity for Action Crosscutting Issues 25. Disaster, Environment and Development: Opportunities for Integration in Asia-Pacific Region 26. Impact of Disaster on Poverty and Deprivation 27. Climate Change Adaptation and Human Health: Linkages of Climate, Disaster and Health issues in Vietnam 28. Exposure, Health Hazards and Environmental Risk: Study in Chennai, India 29. Hydrometeorological Disasters and Agriculture 30. Forest Management and Disaster Risk Reduction 31. Rural Livelihood and Disaster Risk Reduction: A Case Study from Central Vietnam 32. Essentials of Urban Disaster Risk Reduction 33. Institutional Capacity in Disaster Management: The Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement 34. Corporate Sector and Disaster Risk Reduction: A Community-focussed Approach 35. Essentials of Predisaster Recovery Planning 36. The African Experiences of Disaster Risk Reduction Postscript 37. Disaster Management: The Way Ahead Index
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